Interethnic Discourse and Cosmology in Indigenous Association Practices in the Amazon: Hutukara Yanomami Association


  • Felipe Nascimento Araujo Social Anthropology Graduate Program, Brasilia National University (Programma de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social Universidade de Brasilia)



I propose in this article to journey from the cosmological elements present in indigenous interethnic political discourse to indigenous association practices. The paper will seek to understand the bases of the indigenous association praxis, and to give an overview of the historical trajectory of indigenous political ‘protagonism’ in Brazil. To discuss the development of a political discourse of so many different peoples as comprise indigenes of Brazil may seem like a reckless generalisation. However, there is one thing they share in common: the history of contact with western civilization. This history is not singular, but plural. So many facts, widespread all over the continent, form a shared experience, and from this emerge a discourse which I seek to understand.




How to Cite

Nascimento Araujo, F. (2015). Interethnic Discourse and Cosmology in Indigenous Association Practices in the Amazon: Hutukara Yanomami Association. ETropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 14(2).