The Others and My Image: Debate on Indigenous Representation with Martu and Pankararu Filmmakers


  • Renato Athias Director of the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology, Federal University of Pernambuco LAV-UFPE, Brazil



What interests us in this paper is to explore some issues related to the genre of documentary that we usually call the "ethnographic film" focused on the experience of two indigenous filmmakers on a residence project during the 5th International Ethnographic Film Festival of Recife (FIFER) in 2013. The Martu-Pankararu Project was an “exchange” programme between a filmmaker of the Martu people, from Central Australia, and a filmmaker of the Pankararu people, from the interior of Pernambuco in Brazil. The result of this activity is closely linked with the concept of representation used in the disciplinary field of visual anthropology.




How to Cite

Athias, R. (2015). The Others and My Image: Debate on Indigenous Representation with Martu and Pankararu Filmmakers. ETropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 14(2).