Tropical Gothic: Literary and Creative Works




Tropical Gothic, Literature, Creative Works, Music, Film, Cover Art, Rhizomatics, Demon


The eTropic special issue on the theme Tropical Gothic was first conceived in 2017. From the beginning there was a sense of how the theme had a certain resonance. By 2018, the term had appeared as a hashtag in social media for new music album entitled Tropical Gothic.

These resonances are important as they reveal the build up of an idea at a particular time. This paper follows a rhizomatic path as it traces Tropical Gothic through the creative works of a music album, its cover art, and further to other influences including film and literature.

These literary and creative works likewise resonate with the papers brought together in this second issue on the theme Tropical Gothic. 

Author Biographies

Anita Lundberg, Associate Professor Arts & Social Sciences, James Cook University, Australia; Fellow, The Cairns Institute, Australia

Associate Professor Anita Lundberg is a cultural anthropologist whose research engages people and places of tropical Southeast Asia. Anita engages with the creative experiences of cities, urban myths, flanerie, everyday life, liminal and cyber spaces. Anita’s previous projects include ethnographies of higher education in the Malay archipelago, the phenomenology of a Malay house and its garden of trees, and an ethnography of a whaling hunting village in Indonesia. Anita has received awards for outstanding teaching, research supervision and innovative research and has held numerous fellowships: LIA TransOceanik (CNRS, Collége de France, JCU); The Cairns Institute (TCI); Post-Doctoral Fellow, Cambridge University, UK; Guest Researcher, Maison Asie-Pacifique, Université de Provence, France; Visiting Fellow, Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University Malaysia. She has also been an Anthropologist-in-Residence at Rimbun Dahan.

Roger Osborne, James Cook University

Dr Roger Osborne is a Lecturer in English and Writing at James Cook University, Australia. His research program concentrates on Australian literature and British Modernism seen through the lens of book history, magazine culture, and scholarly editing. He is a contributing editor to the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad, delivering an edition of Under Western Eyes in 2013, and working towards an edition of Nostromo, widely considered Conrad's modernist masterpiece. Roger’s work on the trans-national nature of Australian print culture has been published widely, and his co-authored book, Australian Books and Authors in the American Marketplace 1840s-1940s, is to be published by Sydney University Press.

Roger has worked at the forefront of digital scholarly editing and has an international reputation for this work. His Joseph Furphy Digital Archive was published in 2015, and continues to grow with new modules added each year. He is currently planning a book-length study of Furphy's Such is Life to accompany the Digital Archive that investigates the intersections of material and digital textuality in historical contexts.

Katarzyna Ancuta, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

Dr Katarzyna Ancuta is a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Her research interests oscillate around the interdisciplinary contexts of contempory Gothic/Horro, currently with a strong Asian focus. Her recent publications include contributions to A New Companion to the Gothic (2012), Globalgothic (2013), The Cambridge Companion to the Modern Gothic 2014), Neoliberal Gothic (2017), The Routledge Handbook to the Ghost Story (2017), and B-Movie Gothic (2018). She also co-edited two special journal issues on Thai (2014) and Southeast Asian (2015) horror film and Thai Cinema: The Complete Guide (2018). She has published widely in journals.

Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

Dr Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Her academic interests include young adult culture, popular culture, gender representations, girlhood, Gothic and the fantastic. Her recent works include: Hospitality, Rape and Consent in Vampire Popular Culture: Letting the Wrong One In (Palgrave Macmillan 2017; co-editor and author of a chapter), “Lustful Ladies, She-Demons and Good Little Girls: Female Agency and Desire in the Universes of Sookie Stackhouse” Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 33.2, (2019), and Exotic Otherlands, Headquarters of Death: Sub-tropical Land- and Cityscapes in The Southern Vampire MysterieseTropic 16.1 (2017).


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How to Cite

Lundberg, A., Osborne, R., Ancuta, K., & Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, A. (2019). Tropical Gothic: Literary and Creative Works. ETropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 18(2).