A Decolonial History of African Female Education and Training in Colonial Asante, 1920-1960
decolonial history, female colonial education, Asante history, African women’s empowerment, colonial Ghana, tropical West AfricaAbstract
This paper is a decolonial exploration of the intersection of colonialism, education, and gender in the Asante (Ashanti) region of colonial Ghana in tropical West Africa between 1920 and 1960. Despite the atrocities of the colonial period, Western education provided a system of change for African women. However, the colonial period also deprived female leaders of their authority and perpetuated traditional gender roles, which were reinforced by the education system. While some schools and centres were opened for the training of girls, there was still limited access to education and opportunities for women. This study relies on primary and secondary sources, including archival sources, books, and articles, to uncover the complex history of Asante women’s colonial encounters and female education. Using a decolonial lens, the paper challenges dominant narratives and uncovers hidden histories, highlighting the systemic exclusion of women from power and the perpetuation of colonial power relations.
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