Tropical Indigenous Queer as Guardians of Tradition: The Bissu of Bugis Society, Indonesia




Bissu, five genders, LGBTQ, Bugis society, Sulawesi Indonesia, queer tropics, Indigenous queer


Bissu means neither a man nor a woman, but a holy person representing all genders. The Bissu are unique to the Bugis society of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Traditional Bugis culture, as told in the ancient La Galigo epic, acknowledges five genders: uruwane (male), makkunrai (female), calabai (male who has female traits), calalai (female who has male traits), and Bissu (all genders). The Bissu have sacred roles in Bugis society. At the royal level, they bridge the relationship between God and king. They are the priestly protectors of the royal heirlooms, without which the kingBissu perform the mappalili ritual as part of rice cultivation. This shamanic ritual, performed during the tropical monsoon season, is to ensure a bountiful harvest. However, the Bissu, and their sacred roles, have faced challenges in modern Indonesia, especially during waves of conservative Islamism. In recent times, Bissu have also received condemnation under the label of LGBTQ. Such actions, although deadly serious, have not had a lasting impact at the local level where the Bissu continue to preserve Bugis culture and traditions. Thus, while LGBTQ groups across Indonesia fight for their rights for social acceptance through legal and political advocacy; the Bissu of Sulawesi, fight for their cultural role as guardians of Indigenous Bugis traditions, highlighting their identity a "the fifth gender". This cultural strategy contributes to practices of queering the tropics.

Author Biographies

Syamsurijal, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

Syamsurijal is a senior researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency with expertise in religion and society, as well as religious culture. Publications on Bissu include:  "Trans people making the hajj to Mecca: Religiosity and social inclusion in Indonesia (Indonesia Malay Word, 2023); “Bissu who is reluctant to be silent.” Al-Qalam (2009), 15(24), 401–414; and Peddling Bissu: Who Profits (Desantara, 2010). Email:

Halimatusa'diah, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

Halimatusa'diah is a junior researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency with special expertise in Cultural Communication and Religious Minorities in Indonesia. Published articles include: "Trans People Making the Hajj to Mecca: Religiosity and Social Inclusion in Indonesia (Indonesian Malay Words, 2023); “From Intellectual to Advocacy Movement: Islamic Moderation, “the Conservatives, and the Shift of Interfaith Dialogue Campaign in Indonesia” (Ulumuna, 2022); and “Minority Dilemma in Indonesia” (Gramedia, 2020). Email:

Wasisto Raharjo Jati, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

Wasisto Raharjo Jati is a junior researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency with research interest in political representation and voting behaviours. Selected recent publications include: “Assessing the Implementation City for All” (Journal of Regional and City Planning, 2023); and “From Intellectual to Advocacy Movement: Islamic Moderation, “the Conservatives, and the Shift of Interfaith Dialogue Campaign in Indonesia” (Ulumuna, 2022). Email:


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How to Cite

Syamsurijal, Halimatusa’diah, & Wasisto Raharjo Jati. (2024). Tropical Indigenous Queer as Guardians of Tradition: The Bissu of Bugis Society, Indonesia. ETropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, 23(2), 174–196.