About the Journal
ISSN: 2653-1917
Aim and Scope
The twenty-first century has witnessed widespread global financial, and public health crises including, but not limited to, frequent large-scale natural disasters, the Dot-Com bubble crisis in the early 2000s, SARS pandemic, Global Financial Crisis (GFC), and COVID-19 pandemic. These crises adversely affected business, communities, and economies globally, resulting in social and economic disruptions. Equally, for businesses and communities, the impacts of these shocks have evidenced the need to pivot thinking, repurpose resources and be resilient. The effect of these crises is extended to industries, occupations, and livelihoods. Moreover, traditional methods of addressing external risks often preclude weaker economies from recognising their underlying vulnerabilities and economic weak-spots. Hence, the call for creative and innovative solutions is critical and imperative. This journal seeks to fill this gap through research and thinking that builds knowledge, understanding and insight into solutions that address the building of resilient economies.
Therefore, the Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE) allows for multidisciplinary contributions with local to global perspectives. Accordingly, the principal areas covered by JRE are:
- Resilience and business continuity
- Organisational resilience
- Economic resilience (at micro, meso, or macro levels)
- Industry resilience
- Occupational resilience
- Regional, urban, and rural resilience
- Community resilience
Types of Articles publishable by JRE
The Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE) publishes research outputs with a multidisciplinary focus to further advance the important concept of resilience. It is helpful to familiarise yourself with the different types of articles that JRE publishes. All types of research outputs indicated below will undergo equally rigorous peer review.
1. Original Research/ Research Article:
Research articles in the Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE) are primary literature that present in-depth studies of new findings. These articles include comprehensive sections on Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion, and are typically between 6,000-8,000 words in length (excluding the reference list).
2. Review Articles:
The Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE) publishes review articles that provide a comprehensive overview of current research on a specific topic and offer insight into the direction of future research in the field. These articles are classified as secondary literature and are widely read and highly cited. They typically range from 5,000 to 7,000 words, excluding the reference list.
JRE considers three main types of review articles for publication:
Critical reviews: These articles present and critically evaluate existing knowledge on a topic, including substantive findings, theoretical contributions, and methodological approaches.
Systematic or scoping reviews: These articles use explicit and systematic methods to minimize bias and produce more reliable findings to inform decision-making processes.
Meta-analyses: These articles use a quantitative, formal study design to systematically assess previous research results in order to draw conclusions about the entire body of research on a specific topic.
3. Case Studies:
The Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE) accepts case study submissions as a way to gain a deeper understanding of real-world issues and their context. A case study approach involves several key steps, including defining the case, selecting the appropriate case(s), collecting and analyzing data, interpreting the findings, and reporting the results. These types of articles are typically between 3,000 and 4,000 words (excluding reference list) and provide an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of complex issues.
4. Research Note:
Research notes are short manuscripts that present preliminary and/or exploratory findings or introduce a new method for collecting or analyzing data. The academic findings should be explained and documented in a concise manner. These research outputs typically include a short abstract and an introductory paragraph. Research notes may be written as continuous text to keep them as concise as possible. They are usually between 2,000 and 3,000 words (excluding the reference list) and are considered small preliminary studies. They typically include a title, synopsis, introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion.
Journal's Classification Codes
Based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) codes, the following Fields of Research (FoR) codes are assigned to the Journal of Resilient Economies (JRE):
3801 Applied economics
380108 Health Economics
380116 Tourism Economics
350503 Human resources management
3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour
3506 Marketing
Open Access Policy
JRE is a Platinum Open Access journal, which means JRE does not charge either the readers or the authors. This ensures all accepted articles will be immediately and permanently available to readers free of charge.
Publication infrastructure and maintenance of JRE is fully supported by James Cook University Open Journal Systems (OJS), driven by the belief that knowledge has the power to change lives, and that research outputs should be freely accessible online, without barriers. James Cook University is one of the world's leading institutions focusing on the tropics, located in tropical North Queensland, Australia.
JRE aims to make the academic research available:
- online
- immediately
- without charge
- free from most copyright or licensing restrictions
Read the complete version of JCU Open Access Policy and related documents here.