Strengthening Indonesian Tourism Resilience Based on Tourism Operational Risk Management
Tourism Resilience, Operational Risk Management, Tourism Risk Event Model, Tourist satisfaction, Tourist loyaltyAbstract
Along with the rapid development of the tourism industry in Indonesia, the role of tourism risk management is becoming increasingly crucial. However, research on tourism risk management in general and tourism operational risk management in Indonesia has not been carried out much. The purpose of the study, which is also a novelty of this study, is to confirm the importance of tourism Operational Risk Management on the resilience of tourism destinations mediated by tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty, particularly on several research objects and Indonesian tourism in general. In this article, the researcher presents a five series of studies conducted by researchers that focus on the influence of tourism operational risk management on satisfaction and loyalty. The research method used in general is the explanatory sequential design of mixed methods research. The five series of studies used in this article involve various research objects spread across several research locations to explore findings that can strengthen the validity and reliability of findings on one object in a wider area. Research samples come from domestic and foreign tourists and involve business owners, local communities, and relevant stakeholders who have met the criteria set by the researcher. These samples were generally taken using multi-stage sampling techniques. The data collection technique uses the Concurrent Triangulation Strategy regarding information convergence. The findings of five studies conducted found a positive influence of operational risk management performance on tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Value perceived by tourists represented by tourist satisfaction increases when tourist destination managers manage operational risk well. Normatively and based on the findings of previous studies, tourism resilience is built on the basis of tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Thus, strengthening operational risk management has the potential to increase Indonesian tourism's resilience.
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