Autobiographical Performance within the Academy


  • Elisabeth Hanscombe

Author Biography

Elisabeth Hanscombe

EUSABETH HANSCOMBE is a writer and psychoanalytic psychologist who completed her PhD in the Unit for Biography and Autobiography at La Trobe University on the topic 'life writing and the desire for revenge'. She is interested in the ways in which psychoanalytic object relations theory intersects with that of narrative and the auto/biographical. She has published a number of short stories and essays in the areas of autobiography, psychoanalysis, testimony, trauma, and creative nonfiction in Meanjin, Island, Tirro Lirro and Quadrant, as well as in the journals, L!fe Writing and Lfe Writing Annual: Biographical and autobiographical studies and in psychotherapy journals and magazines throughout Australia and the US. She was short listed for the Australian Book Review's 2009 Calibre essay prize and has a chapter on Complicated Grief, in a book edited by Eric Miller, soon to be published by NASW press.






Reflections on Life Writing Practice