Vol. 42 (2016): Place, Past and Perspective

The “Place, Past and Perspective” edition of LiNQ appears at a time when the journal itself is symbolically situated at the intersection of all three. LiNQ has a long association with the regional writing, explorations of place and landscape, and has forged strong connections between locations. Recently, LiNQ’s rich and diverse past was fully digitised (https://journals.jcu.edu.au/linq/issue/archive), a set of online archives that span fifty years of scholarship and writing. This moment—a pause, a surveying of the past—offers a fresh perspective. It is fitting then, looking to the future, that LiNQ is refreshed; next year, the journal will appear as an annual issue of eTropic (https://journals.jcu.edu.au/etropic). This move offers new opportunities to connect, hear from fresh voices and perspectives, and to conceive of place as multi-faceted, layered and diverse.