A Study on the Role of AI in Transforming HR Practices in Pune's IT Industry


  • Amar Yedake BIMHRD, Sri Balaji University, Pune https://orcid.org/0009-0003-4289-8576
  • G Gopalakrishan BIMHRD, Sri Balaji University, Pune
  • Sujata Ghavate BIMHRD, Sri Balaji University, Pune
  • Aishwarya Kumari BIMHRD, Sri Balaji University, Pune




Workforce Transformation, HR Operations, AI Tools, IT Industry, AI Automation, HR Automation


This research study examines the evolving role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in human resources, aiming on how IT employees perceive and engage with AI Automation at their workplace. It highlights the impact of AI technologies on employee identity, job security, and job satisfaction, while noting significant research gaps in understanding AI's influence on workforce dynamics. The literature classifies AI into categories like general AI tools, machine learning, and robotics, each affecting workplace interactions differently. A major concern is the "dark side" of AI, which may reduce employee autonomy and transparency, impacting their identity and sense of purpose. The research emphasizes AI's transformative potential in HR functions such as recruitment, training & development, performance evaluation and compliance management but also highlights challenges like resistance to change and ethical concerns about AI tools. It advocates for longitudinal studies to better understand AI's long-term effects and suggests that demographic factors may shape employee responses to AI. In conclusion, while AI could enhance HR operations, many questions remain about effective implementation of AI tools in HR functions. Future research should address these gaps to enable organizations to leverage AI for a more innovative and adaptable workforce.


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How to Cite

Yedake, A., Gopalakrishan, G., Ghavate, S., & Kumari, A. (2024). A Study on the Role of AI in Transforming HR Practices in Pune’s IT Industry. Journal of Resilient Economies (ISSN: 2653-1917), 4(2). https://doi.org/10.25120/jre.4.2.2024.4177