The Role of Destination Attributes in Shaping Memorable Tourism Experiences (MTE)

Investigating Hospitableness from the Perspective of International Tourists in Bali


  • Teti Indriati Kastuti Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo
  • Sugiarto Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo
  • Rudi Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo



Hospitality, Ambience, Meaningfulness, , Memorable Tourism Experiences, , Tri Hita Karana Philosophy


Destination attributes play a significant role in shaping Memorable Tourism Experiences (MTE), which are defined as memorable and easily recalled tourism experiences. However, despite the importance of destination attributes in shaping MTE, studies on hospitality as an antecedent of MTE are still rare. The purpose of this paper is to investigate tourists’ experiences of hospitality from four dimensions: hospitableness, non-human hospitality, atmosphere, and meaningfulness, which can create memorable and psychologically satisfying tourism experiences for tourists. Friendly behavior, meaningful connections, and the tourism atmosphere are based on the perspective of international tourists. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with tourists visiting Bali. The interview transcripts were content analyzed and coded under different themes characterizing hospitality. The findings of this study are that hospitable behaviors, infrastructure and tourism atmosphere reflect the principles of Pawongan, Palemahan, and Parahyangan of the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. International tourists’ experiences of hospitality in Bali are greatly influenced by the application of the principles of Pawongan, Palemahan, and Parahyangan in daily life. The government can use these findings to formulate policies that support sustainable tourism development, focusing on enhancing tourist experiences through adequate hospitality. Emphasizing the Tri Hita Karana principles can help in preserving Bali’s culture and environment, ensuring that tourism development does not undermine traditional values and natural beauty.


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How to Cite

Kastuti, T. I., Sugiarto, S., & Susanto, D. R. . (2024). The Role of Destination Attributes in Shaping Memorable Tourism Experiences (MTE): Investigating Hospitableness from the Perspective of International Tourists in Bali. Journal of Resilient Economies (ISSN: 2653-1917), 4(2).